a leading provider of 3D modeling with visuallization, analyzation and management

With a team of experts boasting extensive experience in the field, we are well placed to help our clients grow and thrive, even in challenging times. By really getting to know our customers, our talented team can offer unique and customized solutions backed by data driven analysis and broad research.

Our services become gradually mature and robust with the development of sensors, AI technology, and most important, our algorithms. Our research starts in 2015 and has mainly focused on three modules: high accuracy and real-time 3D modelling using low-cost RGB-D sensors; autonomous BIM generation; and 3D feature classification and recognition using AI technology. We’ve accumulated advantageous algorithms and pipelines in 3D modelling and BIM technology. With the solid foundation, we can provide customized services to various clients.



Economic and antonomous 3D scanning, modeling, and BIM generation.


Integrating VR/AR technology to BIM, giving you a perspective 3D vision.


Customized products and services integrated with positioning, surveying and AI technologies.